Travel & Safety
We have traveled to over 25 countries and lived in up and coming neighborhoods in urban areas, and while we have taken precautions, travel safety has not been a significant concern. Before traveling, we research and note anything that seems unsafe, but on our most recent trip to South Africa, we didn’t pay enough attention to the warning signs. After reflecting on our experience we created a plan to better prepare for future trips. We wanted to share our travel safety prep with others, so if the unthinkable happens, you know what to do.
Our Story
After lunch, we wandered as we usually do, and with lots of people around, stopping to take photos exploring the area. Three men surrounded us and grabbed my bag and attempted to steal our camera equipment. Luckily, they didn’t get much, but the experience of being surrounded and feeling helpless was scary and colored the rest of our trip.
Our Pre-Trip Checklist
1. Inventory Document
Create a password-protected document in your cloud account with the following information:
2. Insurance
Review your Homeowners or renters insurance policy and Medical insurance to determine the extent of your coverage. Research Travel Insurance for additional coverage; it’s better to be safe and covered.
3. Emergency Contact Information
4. Health Check
Get any necessary vaccinations. Some require multiple doses so plan enough time prior to travel. Double check over the counter medicines for travel sickness or first aid. Talk to your doctor about your prescriptions, do you have enough to cover your trip?
If the unthinkable happens
We hope you never experience trouble on your trips but if you took care and prepared for the possibility, it can be a little less upsetting. We know from experience, the feeling of helplessness and distress is overwhelming. But having a clear plan helped us settle down and gave us a sense of control.
If you are mugged or hurt?
If your passport is lost or stolen?
If you are traveling within 48 hours
Visit the State Department Lost Passport section to complete the necessary paperwork. With a police report and your saved documents, you should be able to get on your flight. Allow extra time to navigate the security.
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